Admin of printer group no longer available. How can we manage the group?

The organization I am in uses a Form 3B. We are able to send prints to it, but the printer group it was on was admin’d by someone who left and their email has been deleted. Because of this, everyone who was ever in the group have also come and left. So now, the printer is in a group that no one can get into. What should we do?

Is there a password recovery function for entering the group? If yes, ask you IT to create again the admin’s email and set up a new password. Then ask from form groups to reset your password (if such a function exists)

No, unfortunately it simply tells you to ask the admin to send an invite to your email.

Hi @destinnguon,

Please reach out to our Services Team by opening a Support Ticket and we can get in touch with our Dashboard team to get this sorted for you!