3D printing market research

Hello! Guten Tag!
We are Masters degree students of Hochschule Worms working on 3D Printing for Private customers market research. Could you please help us with a survey by answering few questions?
If you do not mind, please give me a notice on my e-mail and I will send you a couple of questions I am interested in.
E-mail: pavlo.melnyk@hs-worms.de

And also please would you mind making a contribution by taking part in our online-survey?

Master-Studenten an einer deutschen Hochschule, die Deutsch nur mit Hilfe des Google-Übersetzers schreiben können? Irgendwie kommt mir das sehr wie ein Fake vor…

I did not use the google translator, my german friend helped me to translate the survey.
By the way, I am studying on english master program at Hochschule - I can provide more information if you need (if the hochschule e-mail is not enough).