I had my printer serviced by FormLabs and as part of the process it wipes the printer, but the name is kept. I noticed the printer was still listed as offline in the Dashboard without the print I had just completed being registered. I then clicked the register printer link (I did not remove the existing entry with same name) and did the registration process which informed me about “Success”. One print was then completed and now appears in the dashboard, but nothing since.
Would a simple reboot help?
Will removing the printer before trying to register again lose all of my printer statistics?
Good question, and it sounds like you’ve taken the appropriate steps after receiving the printer back.
Yes, if you haven’t already, I would start with a reboot. Disconnect and reconnect the printer’s power, then ensure that the Wi-Fi or Ethernet connection is active. Most likely, the subsequent prints are not visible because there is a disconnect between the printer and the public network, which connects to Formlabs’ servers. Prints and print activity are only logged during times when the printer is stably connected to the servers. Rebooting the printer should re-establish the connection and resume print visibility through Dashboard. De-registering the printer would eliminate your access to previous print statistics.
If you have any trouble beyond this, our support team would be glad to assist. We can work with you to restore the connection; just contact us.
Turns out rebooting the printer fixed it. I was able to connect to it over the network for submitting jobs, but for whatever reason it didn’t feel like talking to anything outside the subnet (while every other device had no issues doing so). Back to normal.
Will these jobs that were processed offline never show up in my stats?
Glad to hear everything seems to be working now! If the printer wasn’t connected to Dashboard, it’s unfortunately unlikely that jobs run during that time will show up in your stats.
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