Form1+ and Black Resin = Almost Perfect

Can’t take credit for this guy, he’s from Thingiverse user Physics_Dude. Here’s the link!

Thank you very much !

I thought I’d share the (tiny!) foxes with my office mates…


Hi, can anyone help me?



Hi, My name is Celso Pedrazzini , I am writing from Brazil. I am a Jwellery Gold maker over here. I would like to know if anyone can give some more information for me. Anyone already did a print with 0,25 mm? It also will be so helpful for me if you guys can give any contact , someone who me do a simple ring Project for me. I can pay for it. I would like to see how thick the surface of the ring likes with 0,25 mm. Sorry about my English. Thank´s very much. Best,

Hi Celso,

Email me directly with your model attached and I will give you a quote.

mongerdesigns at live dot com

These are looking great! Though I’m not sure how the black resin is more detailed over other resins. Form me the clear has produced really fine details on small prints at 0.025. With the black I think it’s down to being able to see the detail better. It looks much more opaque than the other resins.