A response to Sam_Jacoby

@RocusHalbasch Thanks for starting this thread. There has been a lot of debate in my office about this with in my engineering department. We were actually talking about sending some subset of our department over to formlabs to see if it would be easier to explain in person.

I have to agree with @KevinHolmes don’t feel ridiculed, insulted or threatened. I do feel dismissed. We put in a lot of posts and @CraigBroady did say “We’re always looking to see if we can make it better, and welcome suggestions, but lasers are a tricky beast.” back in post 41. I wanted to see an engineer at formlabs breakdown why a spatial filter and collimator are not going to work. Yes it sounds fancy but look at the darn photo I posted one lens and a hole.

I know we all loved that other thread but @Sam_Jacoby had a point around 300 posts it got hard to read. I remember how scared I was about suggesting we get a Formlab printer because of the laser failures. I can only imagine what that thread must have looked like to the uninitiated.

[quote=“RocusHalbasch, post:1, topic:3398”]

A common problem I think we have in our communications here seems to be that Formlabs considers any printer that through some method can be coaxed into making somewhat decent parts as equal to any other that can as well.
[/quote] This resonates with me. The labs senior engineer had taken particular interest in the issues I was having and was actually down taking measurements. I was about to post them when the thread was abruptly locked.

I do not have an opinion of customer support outside of the forum because I have yet to open a ticket for my issue. I will but I wanted to understand things better and see what solution they would post. Sending the printer back with out that information felt like a gamble because of how many times you, @KevinHolmes and others seem to have to send printers back to get a working one.

@Sam_Jacoby I will write a response specifically to you but not now. It is almost 3AM and this is technically a work issue for me. No reason to burn weekend time on it.

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