What are you going to charge for printing?

I was wondering if anyone has an idea of what to charge to print with your Form.  I know it’s a bit difficult without knowing the cost of build platforms and how often they will need to be replaced.  Also I read that the volume gauge in Pre-Form can be up to 30-40% less than the used resin (I would assume this is because of excess resin stuck to the build platform and/or model.

But I was wondering if anyone has an idea of what to charge beyond the $.15 per mL resin cost?

Shapeways Ultra frosted Detail costs $3.49 per cm3 (+$5.00 handling).  I think that’s a good starting point… then discount down to a point that you think is attractive enough to entice customers away from a more established company.

One factor that you have to take in acount is the print delay.

If you can print for the next day with very fast iterations or even deliver the print in hand, then you can probbaly charge 2/3 time the price…

Yeah if Shapeways is charging $3.50 a mL then I definitely think I could $1-2 per mL no problem, and I would that that would cover the majority of my material and wear costs.  Labor a bit less so.

well since Formlabs sent me a tank as replacement I asked the price of the tank and they answer me 69$ but until it s not for sale on the store can’t be sure.

“volume gauge in Pre-Form can be up to 30-40% less than the used resin” I havent heard that till now, where did you hear that, and can anyone comment as to if it is true?