Does anyone know where I could pay to have a sample printed? I am looking for a printer to make a specific part and I really want to get it printed. I am interested in a clear print with good optical quality. I think that the Form 1 should work well, but I am not sure.
I am sure if you post up contact information someone will assist you.
My email address is darrenweinhold@gmail.com
I am open to any possibilities
Just to be clear, I would pay for the sample.
Send your model in STL format, your shipping address, and the resolution you’d like to see to my email at dyjax@expensivehabitengineering.com and Ill get you a quote as soon as possible.
Hello, may I also send you a file to print so I can see a sample? It would be a small model, a ring.
Thanks very much!
from Nathan Maurer
Yeah send your file over alongwith the resolution, color resin, and shipping address and Ill get back to you with a quote!
Hey Nathan,
If you could resend your model and information, I recently lost my inbox before I could get back to some people.