I have a Form 2 for several months now, but recently read about some new formulations for the resins. Can someone tell what the differences are between version 1 and 2?
Also, if I buy the latest version 2 of clear, do I also need a new tank?
This info was provided by Jennifer Milne from Formlabs on this topic.
Flexible FLFLGR02
This material has greatly improved tear strength and UTS compared to FLFLGR01. You can see comparison of material properties here.
It is also opaque, matte black, vs a translucent pale grey.
These changes aim to improve a few things:
FLFLGR01 could start to crumble over time, or tear easily
Our flexible materials require thicker default touch points. This means you typically have one side with marks and one side which is clean. By moving to an opaque color we think people will be able to achieve better looking final prototypes, especially when using Flexible as an accent to multi-material prototype assemblies.
We also improved Flexible by reducing the viscosity which makes it easier to print with so it should be more reliable. The resin will flow more easily in the tank.
Clear FLGPCL03
This material yellows less over time. We already reduced yellowing with our second formulation, but in this, our third formulation we aimed to make a more stable color that didn’t change over time. What this means is that when you print a part in FLGPCL03 it might be a little more grey / blue straight out the printer than FLGPCL02, but it will stay the same color over time. So an old part in FLGPCL02 would be much more yellow than an old part in FLGPCL03.
You can find the technical properties here.
Black FLGPBK02
This is largely a formulation change as we improve our supply chain.
Technical properties did not change significantly.
We denote the new formulation number because there are updated print settings and we want to make it possible for people to ensure they use the right print settings and don’t accidentally mix the materials.
Tough FLTOTL02
This is largely a formulation change due to a change in our supply chain.
You can find the technical properties here.
We denote the new formulation number because there are updated print settings and we want to make it possible for people to ensure they use the right print settings and don’t accidentally mix the materials.
Topic regarding mixing the clear resin: Mixing Clear.
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