Prints begining to fail

Dear Richard,
I recently get the some problem with you. I got my Form1+ in Feb2015, and not yet consume 1L of resin. My first few small scale prints are perfect. One time I tried to print out a large scale model, my Form1+ starts to fail print until now. I still cannot get a perfect print. I have done what you have done.

  1. Change resin tray
  2. Clean resin tray
  3. Change resin color
  4. Re-orient the model during print out
  5. Make hollow of model and make solid of the same model
    Nothings works so far.
    You may find hint in this laser problem thread: Form1+ laser flare issues illustrated - pics and video - #12 by Ante_Vukorepa
    You may be in the same problem as us.