Ongoing Support for the Form 2

You still have 2 years for the form 2.
I doubt the Form 2 has more than a year in it. If it’s anything like the Form 1+, it will be done 1 year after the original announcement of the Form 2 demise. After that they will sell off their supplies inventory, and that will be that.

There are already 3rd party tanks and other solutions available
I don’t know of any 3rd party resin tanks. I know there are a few vendors that 'recondition" existing, used tanks by cleaning them and replacing the PDMS, but if you want a new tank, Formlabs is the only source I know of. if you know of a source, please let us know.

There are still plenty of form 1 &1+
Yes, and the only reason that is, is becuase these were open systems and did not have all the lock down features like RFIDs and such. Also there were a few Formlabs clones out there like the Moai that used the similar tanks.

I don’t expect issues for at least 5 years.
Yeah, that’s extremely wishful thinking. Where do you propose to by parts if you need repairs? Formlabs has always refused to sell certain parts, and if they stop offering repairs, and they will, like they did with the Form 1, then you’re SOL.