Can you upload a screenshot of how this model is being oriented in PreForm? Surfaces printed parallel to the build platform can have some issues with unevenness. Otherwise, there might be an issue with underexposure which can be caused by a few things, the most common being tank clouding.
What printer are you using? If it’s the Form1/1+ then it’s likely you need to clean the dust off the lenses.
But also, for something like that the print will need to be angled, and try to reduce the number of supports. Unfortunately the Clear material also has the biggest issue with bleeding of the laser through the material, so the underside of prints will not look as sharp as the rest of the print.
You need to angle the part more, and also you can probably get a better distribution of the support structure, it also looks like you might have some unsupported areas.
The closer something is to being parallel with the build surface, the more issues it will have printing.