How to clean the mirror surfaces of the Form Cure

Hello everyone, we have been using the Form Cure for some time. As we wanted to improve the properties of our printed samples, we made several experiments in our Form Cure. By doing so solvents such as IPA/TPM and uncured (clear) resin evaporated during curing in the Form Wash. Now the mirror surfaces are no longer glossy. Does anyone have an idea how to clean the mirror surfaces?

Hi @TorstenRehwald thanks for your question - We have a standard process for cleaning your cure that you can find in this support article:
Cleaning and Maintaining the Form Cure

Note that we do advise parts to be completely dry and free from residual resin before curing. If you’re unable to remove the contamination from the mirrors, you may need to consider a replacement unit if your parts no longer cure effectively, as your experiments are outside of our recommended use.

Hope this helps!

Dear Verdugod,
to me it seems, that the link in your answer is wrong. By clicking on the link I reach my own support question.

Sorry about that @TorstenRehwald! The link is updated above.

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