How long can the IPA wash be used before the IPA needs to be replaced?

How long can the IPA wash be used before the IPA needs to be replaced?

There is a tool that comes with the Form wash that you can use to measure specific gravity. But, it’s not the greatest. Best is to get a hydrometer specifically designed to measure alcohol %. When it gets below 90%, it will no longer be effective.

Tough to say how ‘long’ it takes. Really depends on the models you’re washing. Generally, somewhere between 10 and 25 washes.

@SteamFactoryLLC would love to hear more how that tool doesn’t work for you. Are you using an off the shelf hydrometer? Does it work well for you?

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@dogichow, it’s not that it doesn’t work. It’s just that I’ve found the workflow to not be conducive to a scatterbrain like me. The way I’ve used it was to drop it into a fresh container of IPA and set the ring to that level. In theory, I shouldn’t have to move that rubber ring. But, if someone else comes in later and handles it, the ring could move without them knowing it. Again, not likely to happen but there’s no way of knowing so I just learned not to trust it.

I used an off-the-shelf hydrometer. I started using this after recycling my own IPA and using the hydrometer on the recycled stuff.

That said, I’m a built guilty of not even using a hydrometer and just swapping it out when parts don’t clean well. Usually anywhere from 15 - 30 washes. Of course, on the Wash L, that sensor is fantastic. As long as people heed it. I have one customer whose Wash L is so encrusted and caked from lack of maintenance that the sensor no longer works. They only print Rigid 4K so you can guess how gross it can get from lack of maintenance.

If not washed well due to the IPA going below 90%, what will happen? Once I cure it, it will still be fine right?

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