Fuse Sift Glove Box Gloves

Back a few months ago when we ordered and tried the Fuse Sift “GloveBox” to help cut down on shop dust and/or foreign contamination into the Sift… our immediate problem that we reported to Formlabs, was how bad the gloves were.

We spend HOURS in all sorts of blast cabinets and never felt the “workout” you receive from just using these Formlabs gloves as they are the stiffist most uncomfortable gloves to use. We immediately reported this to Formlabs and removed the Glovebox. It has been sitting in our warehouse collecting dust ever since.

Funny to see the one complaint Adam Savage had this week on You Tube was these same gloves…

Talked about at minute 23:00

Hopefully Formlabs will acknowledge this issue and address it.


Agreed, they are absolute shit. However, when i spoke with Formlabs they have no intention of changing the gloves or adding different sizes.

Also the dampers are not made for the extra weight of the glovebox. It came crashing down and hit me right on the head as i was reaching for the vacuumhose. Not a pleasant experience.