Looking to sale an almost new formlab 1+, used it for less than 10 hours, 3 prints… comes with many extra accessories.
Im located in montreal, canada… if you live in mtl, you can pass by to take a look at the machine or if you’re in canada, buy this machine and save $600 in brokerage and customs.
Here is what’s included:
Form 1 Pre-order- Grey Resin ( 85% full ) - included printer, building platform - resin tank.
F1-PKG-G $3,299.00
Extra resin tank - still new unused.
Extra building platform - still new unused.
Extra resin ( clear ) new and sealed.
Paid total $3900 USD ( $4250 Canadian ) Plus shipping and $600 customs - close to $5000 Canadian.
Yours for only $3500 CDN- Shipping free.
Please reply to this topic if interested and leave me your email.
Thank you.