Form 1+ Pics - In the Wild - Flat Stanley move over

Technology has arrived today in Rockport, MA -
A new yacht sailed into the cove today from New Zealand - built in S. Africa, &
a new Form 1+ 3d-Printer arrived from Form Labs - built in Somerville MA & San Diego CA
The sunset colors better matched the printer in reality - not well rendered by my iPhone… Below is my garden where 3d vegetables, not 3dparts, grow.
Hope you enjoy them.

<img src="/uploads/formlabs/154/9ce446628091944f.JPG" w


This is by far, the luckiest printer in the world – what a view!

Thank you so much for sharing Eric, we can’t wait to see what you have in store for your Form 1+!

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You have some balls setting that on a hand rail over water! lol. Neat pictures.