First week's impressions and wishlist

Positively impressed with the Form 3. Great quality and ease of use.

Some observations and considerations

Seems to be driven to “consume and waste resin” by insisting parts need support. When printed with no support at all they came out perfect without any wasted support structures. The suggested support structures often seems to consume a lot of resin. I know support is a touchy subject but it is fair to say that the auto-support and rotation has room for improvement.
Also, display the amount of resin needed for the part and support separately.

iOS App:
An native iOS app; iPhone & iPad, would be a welcome addition. But I can image that edge software and usability improvements are not a prime objective. Perhaps enlist the support form the community.

Fusion360 Integration:
Could I suggest to reach out to AutoDesk as to get the Form Printers directly supported out of Fusion360. Fusion already support a lot of FDM printers. Getting the Forms added could be beneficial to FormLabs. Here as well one could enlist the support form the community.

Sleep mode for Form 3:
The “Always on approach” is plain stupid and can no longer be justified; climate change, as a pure ease of use argument. It makes sense for production environments where the machines are used in 24/7/365 fashion. As said it is not eco friendly to waste energy.
Add a “sleep” function to the settings, configurable in time; ie. after 2hrs of idle time. Since there is no “on/off” button, one could use the opening of the lid as a “wake-up” signal to “wake-up” the machine. Logically you would open the lid to inspect the build platform and resins tank is in place and secured prior to printing.

TPM & Form Wash:
The TMP cleaner in the Form Wash is underperforming. Adding a heating element to heat up the TPM in the next Wash release would make sense. I however will be switching to an ultrasonic heated cleaner for my TPM approach and use the washer for a final methanol rinse.

But overall I am Happy Form3 user.