Dashboard - Print history export


i would like to see an option to export the print history via Dashboard acc. the set filters, e.g. for the filtered time period.

I need this export to calculate prices for our internal print services and currently need to set quite complex import filters to import the CSV, which contains all the historically data.

Thanks, Marcel

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Hi, we are beta testing a revamped data exporter in Dashboard, send me a message with your dashboard user name or email and I can give you access to the beta if you’d like.

+1 for this. Would be really handy.

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How can i send private message in this forum?

Hi again, i have a another request for the export: Is it possible to opt out / opt in the individual STL file names of a print for the history export? As alternative please change the divider from Komma to something else, e.g. semicolon.

Background: With the current export you have attached the individuall STL file names of each print with quotation marks like >,“Filename1, Filename2”
Excel has a problem with these quotation marks when your main divider ( = comma) is outside and inside of the marks, so excel can not import the CSV correctly.

Thanks in advance

P.S.: My current work around is to open the export, search for >“*”< and replace it by ‘nothing’ (keep replacement field empty). With this excel removes all attached STL-file names inclusive the quotation marks

That’s odd! I don’t have any such problems with these CSV files in Excel. Perhaps it’s a region setting issue?