Custom Orthodontic Bonding Guide

I know there are some orthodontists here on the forum, so I figured I might share a particular use case for those who want to want to begin doing fully digital orthodontics.

Now that there are bio-compatible resins available, I have been able to print custom indirect bonding trays for braces, so a typical bonding appointment takes half the time and the patient doesn’t have to hold their mouth open staring at the ceiling for near as long.

Most orthodontic softwares only allow for fabrication of indirect bonding trays by printing of models with braces present and then making a vacuum form tray over the printed model, which adds an extra step. Envisiontec has a semi-hard material to direct print those full coverage trays, but I have concerns about using a flexible tray and predictability of placement. Fortunately there are a select few orthodontic softwares out there that will allow you to fabricate and directly print a rigid indirect bonding tray. Once the braces are loaded into the jigs, it only takes about 20min to prepare the teeth and stick all the braces on with the jigs. I tried uploading a composite image of the workflow, but the image was too large. Here is a picture of the printed custom bonding guide done with our Form2:


  • This is a pretty bullet proof process, but the one tip I have is not use primers like Assure, or anything that may have a plastic primer present. It will stick to the printed resin.

Dr. Frey,

Absolutely wonderful presentation. I have a feeling more and more of these dental use cases will start to be showcased on this forum, and I am very excited for that.

May I ask what NextDent Resin you used for that? Was it actually IBT or was it Ortho Clear, or Ortho Rigid?

When you printed, what resin profile did you use?

I know this is wishful thinking, but are any of the softwares you used open source or free?

Would love to see some after pictures as well. Did it turn out as accurate as you had hoped?

Cheers! And thank you very much for posting!

Kevin Yoder, DDS

I used the Dental SG Resin (it was a shot for instagram so there is a bit of a filter). 50microns Z-res on the Form2.

The software that is used requires a per case fee. They were in exactly the position I prescribed.


Which software did you use? It looks great and would be interested to try it out!

Elemetrix from SureSmile.

Thanks for responding. Somehow I did not see your message until now.
Have you tried printing the IDB trays with MED610 via a stratasys printer? How does in compare to Dental SG with the Form2? Also, do you think Dental LT will be even better for IDB?
Thanks for your help!

SureSmile will print them for you using their Stratasys printers. The dimensional accuracy between the Stratasys and Form2 is the same, so there isn’t a reason to use the Stratasys over the Form2.

The Dental LT might be slightly too clear (hard to seat the brackets in the jigs).

Awesome, thanks!

Do you prefer the 3d printed IDB trays over the typical two layer IDB trays made via suckdown?

What was your process for cleaning the trays after printing? Also, what curing unit do you have and how long did you cure the trays? Thanks!

Hi @yoderkl… have you ever tried to sterilize the ortho rigid? Does it works?
