I can’t quite figure out how to clean the resin tank after a failed print. I got the big pieces out, but of course the inside of the tank is still all covered with goop. I see something about cleaning the bottom/outside with IPA and a PEC pad, at this link:
But I see nothing similar about cleaning the inside of the tank with IPA and a (lot of) PEC pads. Should I just run the tool along the film on the inside of the tank, and if I don’t feel any bumps, then I’m done? It seems like a lot of work to fill that whole inside with enough IPA to clean up the resin, and it would take a whole lot of PEC pads to then soak up the resin/IPA mess. It would probably have to be done in many iterations (wipe with pads, add IPA, wipe with pads, add IPA, etc.) That would take quite a while, and traumatize the film a lot also, to get the entire inside of the take clean as new.
I am inclined to just scrape the film on the inside of the tank with the tool, then reinsert the tank and try again. (?)