I have a dedicated build tank for Tough 2000 which has been in service for ~30 months, yet only has 22 prints on it. Now I’m getting warning messages that this tank has expired and may leak. None the less, I’ve done three good sized prints this week that all came out great.
Anyone out there ever had a tank leak? Are there any warning signs to clue me into iminent tank leaking? What’s it look like when a tank leaks? Is it a huge mess? Or just wiping up a few dribbles with an alcohol soaked rag?
Inquiring minds want to know :^) Tanis aint cheap, so I’d prefer to keep printing until there is a problem with the prints.
This is what our T2000 tank looks like underneath after approx 1yr. I’ll be discarding it and getting a new one. We don’t use it much at all.
The yellow marked area is where it will most likely leak as the resin breaks down the adhesive between the plastic films. Some of my other tanks with different resins have done the same (mostly Grey Pro). I just check them before each use to see how far the void is from the edge, once its bout 5mm I discard the tank.
Yes the tanks are expensive to replace as some of ours have only done a few prints before expiring. But I don’t see an alternative to making them last longer? We just have a couple of new tanks on hand.
As Andrew mentioned, it would not be advised to continue using your Tough 2000 tank. I’d like to pass along our Resin tank lifetime and monitoring (Form 3/Form 3B) article which outlines recommended lifetimes for resin tanks based on the type of resin used. Tough 2000 tanks have a maximum lifetime of 10 weeks exposed to resin or 250 hours of printing, whichever happens sooner. The tank would be more prone to failing and causing a spill, the severity of which would depend on how much resin is in the tank.
If you don’t use the material that often. You can empty the tank before storing it. At the end is the contact with the resin and solvents that damages it.
in any case, de 10wk life time is nonsense. They have hugely underestimated it. My tough2000 tanks are also in the 1 year window no problem with low amounts of prints (around 5L/year)
I just checked ours, and it looks like in Andrew’s photo. right now it had ressin for 474days, and 563h of print time out of the 250h limit.
We will discarded and take a new one for the next print.
Merhaba, Benim tankım Tough 2000 değil Grey pro tankımdan örnek vereceğim. Daha kullanım süresi % 72 iken tank kendiliğinden yırtılmaya basladı ve reçine zararına uğradım. Bence Böyle hatalar için Ekranda bir ibare çıkması lazım. Yoksa tankın yırtıldıgını ve reçinenin makinanın içine aktığını göremiyoruz. Bazen kullanım süresinden öncesinde de Zarar gördüğü olabiliyor
It is possible for tanks to fail before their recommended lifetime expires. Although there is no automatic check in place, you can inspect the tank film following LFS resin tank damage and wear.