Been running prints for a couple of months and have noticed mine looks like many. Just curious if there is a point where I need to replace the platform. Did a touch up wet sanding w/ 600 and 1000 grit, but the grooves are starting to really keep things stuck together. In one way that’s a good thing…
Any advice is greatly appreciated! Still printing as I type and loving the Form2… just don’t want to pull out the chisels. But yes, that is also an option! Hahaha!
Standard cleanup is getting parts off via the Formlabs tool, scrape excess resin w/ plastic fairing blades, and wash in IPA. Cool with having to replace trays every now n then, want to make sure I’m taking care of the build platform the best way.
Thanks gang!
As long as there aren’t sharp bits sticking out from part removal/resurfacing that may puncture the PDMS in the tank, you shouldn’t have any need to replace the BP 
Agreed. A scuffed up, well worn platform is a happy platform IMO. I have 125+ prints and things are still adhering very well. I feel mine will be good for 200+ prints at least unless something physically catastrophic happens to the platform.
When we were doing yacht molds, 220grit had good adhesion. Final mold finish went to 1500. Could have robbed a bank as I had no fingerprints. This whole Form2 is new to me but feeling good about the outcome. Pulling out the DA @220 on the prop @adriantanner so my serial number is Silent Salmon? Good stuff sir! Swimming upstream but ain’t dead yet. Lol!
Thanks for the build platform info