Copy paste the below info into notepad, save with extension .ini and load through OpenFL. This is for the Form1+ machines using ApplyLabWorks Black v2 resin.
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basexyfeedrate = 400 ; Laser speed in mm/s for the perimeter of the base (aka raft). (Faster than 800 mm/s may noticably reduce surface quality.)
baselaserpowermw = 45 ; Laser power in mW used for the perimeter of the base (aka raft). (max: 62 mW for Form 1+)
modelxyfeedrate = 600 ; Laser speed in mm/s for the perimeter of the model. (Faster than 800 mm/s may noticably reduce surface quality.)
modellaserpowermw = 45 ; Laser power in mW for the perimeter of the model (max: 62 mW for Form 1+)
supportxyfeedrate = 600 ; Laser speed in mm/s for the perimeter of the supports. (Faster than 800 mm/s may noticably reduce surface quality.)
supportlaserpowermw = 45 ; Laser power in mW for the perimeter of thesupports. (max: 62 mW for Form 1+)
SliceHeight = 0.05 ; The layer thickness in mm. For example 0.1 is 100 microns. Be aware that values not corresponding to whole z-motor microsteps (0.0025 mm) will be rounded.
ScanlineSpacing = 0.09 ; Spacing of fill lines in mm.
InnerBoundaryOffset = 0.12
OuterBoundaryOffset = 0.03 ; Offset from model perimeter to outermost outline in mm. Conceptually this is the curing radius of the outermost outline.
Xcorrectionfactor = 1.01 ; Scale factor for the x axis to account for shrinkage.
Ycorrectionfactor = 1.01 ; Scale factor for the y axis to account for shrinkage.
ScanlineBoundaryOffset = 0.03 ; Offset in mm from the innermost outline to the boundary of the fill. If this is zero, the fill touches the innermost outline; if this is positive it does not; if this is negative, the fill overlaps at least the inner outline.
OffsetsNum = 3 ; Number of outlines to draw. min: 0; max: unlimited
MaterialName = BKtest_0.05_0111_2
firstlayerpasses = 10 ; The number of laser passes to do for layer 0 to attach to the build platform.
otherlayerpasses = 1 ; The number of laser passes to do for most layers (typically 1).
earlylayerpasses = 2 ; The number of laser passes to do for early layers as defined by earlytimesexpose.
earlytimesexpose = 50 ; The number of layers that will be exposed earlylayerpasses times (excluding layer 0). That is, if earlytimesexpose is 3 and earlylayerpasses is 2, layer 0 will get firstlayerpasses passes, layer 1 and 2 will get 2 passes, and subsequent layers will get otherlayerpasses passes.
postlasercurewait = 1 ; Duration in seconds to wait from when the laser turns off until the motors start to move.
earlytimespeel = 22 ; The number of layers for which the p1 moves will be done. These are typically slower moves.
p1downvel = 1 ; Initial tilt speed in mm/s (at the tilt motor).
p1downmove = 10 ; Initial tilt distance in mm.
p1upvel = 4 ; Velocity of p1upmove in mm/s.
p1upmove = -10 ; Tilt up-move displacement in mm (should be negative).
p1upslowvel = 10 ; Velocity for p1upslowmove in mm/s.
p1upslowmove = -0.5 ; Additional up move in mm to overdrive into the hard stop. (Should be negative or zero.)
p2downvel = 1.5 ; Velocity of p2downmove in mm/s.
p2downmove = 7.5 ; After earlytimespeel, tilt distance in mm.
p2upvel = 10 ; Speed of p2upmove in mm/s.
p2upmove = -7.5 ; After earlytimespeel, un-tilt distance in mm. (should be negative.)
p2upslowvel = 10 ; Speed of p2upslowmove in mm/s.
p2upslowmove = -0.1 ; After earlytimespeel, overdrive distance into hard stop in mm. (Should be negative or zero.)
squishwaitmin_s = 0.25 ; Low end of the time in seconds we wait between finishing squishing and turning on the laser.
squishwaitmax_s = 2 ; High end of the time in seconds we wait between finishing squishing and turning on the laser.
basexyfeedrate = 400 ; Laser speed in mm/s used for filling the base (aka raft). (Faster than about 1600 mm/s may produce noticable artifacts.)
baselaserpowermw = 45 ; Laser power in mW used for filling the base (aka raft). (max: 62 mW for Form 1+)
modelxyfeedrate = 750 ; Laser speed in mm/s used for filling the model. (Faster than about 1600 mm/s may produce noticable artifacts.)
modellaserpowermw = 45 ; Laser power in mW for the model. (max: 62 mW for Form 1+)
supportxyfeedrate = 750 ; Laser speed in mm/s used for filling supports. (Faster than about 1600 mm/s may produce noticable artifacts.)
supportlaserpowermw = 45 ; Laser power in mW for filling supports.