ApplyLabWorks Black V2 resin setting for .050

Copy paste the below info into notepad, save with extension .ini and load through OpenFL. This is for the Form1+ machines using ApplyLabWorks Black v2 resin.

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basexyfeedrate = 400 ; Laser speed in mm/s for the perimeter of the base (aka raft). (Faster than 800 mm/s may noticably reduce surface quality.)
baselaserpowermw = 45 ; Laser power in mW used for the perimeter of the base (aka raft). (max: 62 mW for Form 1+)
modelxyfeedrate = 600 ; Laser speed in mm/s for the perimeter of the model. (Faster than 800 mm/s may noticably reduce surface quality.)
modellaserpowermw = 45 ; Laser power in mW for the perimeter of the model (max: 62 mW for Form 1+)
supportxyfeedrate = 600 ; Laser speed in mm/s for the perimeter of the supports. (Faster than 800 mm/s may noticably reduce surface quality.)
supportlaserpowermw = 45 ; Laser power in mW for the perimeter of thesupports. (max: 62 mW for Form 1+)

SliceHeight = 0.05 ; The layer thickness in mm. For example 0.1 is 100 microns. Be aware that values not corresponding to whole z-motor microsteps (0.0025 mm) will be rounded.
ScanlineSpacing = 0.09 ; Spacing of fill lines in mm.
InnerBoundaryOffset = 0.12
OuterBoundaryOffset = 0.03 ; Offset from model perimeter to outermost outline in mm. Conceptually this is the curing radius of the outermost outline.
Xcorrectionfactor = 1.01 ; Scale factor for the x axis to account for shrinkage.
Ycorrectionfactor = 1.01 ; Scale factor for the y axis to account for shrinkage.
ScanlineBoundaryOffset = 0.03 ; Offset in mm from the innermost outline to the boundary of the fill. If this is zero, the fill touches the innermost outline; if this is positive it does not; if this is negative, the fill overlaps at least the inner outline.
OffsetsNum = 3 ; Number of outlines to draw. min: 0; max: unlimited

MaterialName = BKtest_0.05_0111_2

firstlayerpasses = 10 ; The number of laser passes to do for layer 0 to attach to the build platform.
otherlayerpasses = 1 ; The number of laser passes to do for most layers (typically 1).
earlylayerpasses = 2 ; The number of laser passes to do for early layers as defined by earlytimesexpose.

earlytimesexpose = 50 ; The number of layers that will be exposed earlylayerpasses times (excluding layer 0). That is, if earlytimesexpose is 3 and earlylayerpasses is 2, layer 0 will get firstlayerpasses passes, layer 1 and 2 will get 2 passes, and subsequent layers will get otherlayerpasses passes.
postlasercurewait = 1 ; Duration in seconds to wait from when the laser turns off until the motors start to move.
earlytimespeel = 22 ; The number of layers for which the p1 moves will be done. These are typically slower moves.
p1downvel = 1 ; Initial tilt speed in mm/s (at the tilt motor).
p1downmove = 10 ; Initial tilt distance in mm.
p1upvel = 4 ; Velocity of p1upmove in mm/s.
p1upmove = -10 ; Tilt up-move displacement in mm (should be negative).
p1upslowvel = 10 ; Velocity for p1upslowmove in mm/s.
p1upslowmove = -0.5 ; Additional up move in mm to overdrive into the hard stop. (Should be negative or zero.)
p2downvel = 1.5 ; Velocity of p2downmove in mm/s.
p2downmove = 7.5 ; After earlytimespeel, tilt distance in mm.
p2upvel = 10 ; Speed of p2upmove in mm/s.
p2upmove = -7.5 ; After earlytimespeel, un-tilt distance in mm. (should be negative.)
p2upslowvel = 10 ; Speed of p2upslowmove in mm/s.
p2upslowmove = -0.1 ; After earlytimespeel, overdrive distance into hard stop in mm. (Should be negative or zero.)
squishwaitmin_s = 0.25 ; Low end of the time in seconds we wait between finishing squishing and turning on the laser.
squishwaitmax_s = 2 ; High end of the time in seconds we wait between finishing squishing and turning on the laser.

basexyfeedrate = 400 ; Laser speed in mm/s used for filling the base (aka raft). (Faster than about 1600 mm/s may produce noticable artifacts.)
baselaserpowermw = 45 ; Laser power in mW used for filling the base (aka raft). (max: 62 mW for Form 1+)
modelxyfeedrate = 750 ; Laser speed in mm/s used for filling the model. (Faster than about 1600 mm/s may produce noticable artifacts.)
modellaserpowermw = 45 ; Laser power in mW for the model. (max: 62 mW for Form 1+)
supportxyfeedrate = 750 ; Laser speed in mm/s used for filling supports. (Faster than about 1600 mm/s may produce noticable artifacts.)
supportlaserpowermw = 45 ; Laser power in mW for filling supports.

Hi Ken,
It’s awesome. I have a Form 1+ as well. I didn’t get support from Formlab and can not find out right way to use it again. Can you show me the photos of objects that you used ApplyLabWorks resin. I may try Form 1+ again as you are.

Look over on my website, at the various detail products. All the 3D pieces are printed with ALW Grey Resin for Formlabs printers.

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The only real difference between the APL Design series resins is just the color. They use same exposures and offer the same detail. If your painting the parts the gray is probably your best option. They have a lower viscosity so support side has less cleanup and they was up quick. Support of there is phenomenal.

Only objection some may have is there is a slight odor to the resin as it is a different formulation. Also the parts are little bit softer than FL colored resins. They have specs on the materials on their site to compare.

Fantastic models Walter. My brother would love those, he is a train fan. He has migrated over to Trainz where he spends his time digitally making routes etc. I still like the real models :slight_smile:

Walter, Thank you! They are very nice models. Do you use Form 1+ or Form 2 ? I have Form 1+.
I love to see the print results of Form 1+.
Ken, Can you show me some photos ? Thanks a lot !

The F1 clip @ 50% printed on F1+ using OpenFL and the ALW black resin setting 50 microns.
My tank is getting pretty cloudy and I didn’t clean this up, just a quick wash and snipped the supports off.

ALW design series use the same exposure, basically same resin but different colors. I like the lower viscosity so the support sides print much cleaner. Viscosity of the resin is more of an issue on F1 machines since the tanks are not heated.

Jim, I have 2 Form 2 machines as I run fairly heavy production. I started with a Form 1+ and I’m glad I have the Form 2 units now. Could use a third but looking forward to what the new machine might be.

One thing you need to realize, I’m a 76 year old retiree doing all this.:rofl::sunglasses:

Ken, Thanks a lot! I have confidence to try my old F1+ now. :wink:

Wa ! Walter, you are 76 years old and doing all this? Unbelievable. :muscle::muscle::+1::+1::+1:

Jim, 76 going on 21 I feel. When ever I learn something I realize there are 4 more things I need to learn so I just keep going at it. If you had any idea of my medical history you’d wonder even more. But I’m still very active with this and I’m also a persado Pro Photographer and get asked to do photo shoots as well. Keep moving ahead as you get older or you wither in the spot. :rofl:

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im curious have you ever used the gray version of this ApplyLabWork . is different the settings?? can you advice me what to change? thanks

I’ve moved from V3 to V4 settings as I found the prints are better. Also not going to use the black mix. Just the grey.