4 to 6 weeks with a form 3 - meh

The wiper becoming unhinged is a known issue. I had it myself, and I found a couple other posts about the same thing. I took videos and sent them to Formlabs and they acknowledged the problem and sent me a new tank. Obviously this isn’t a problem with EVERY unit, but it’s not a one time issue either.

And regarding print quality, I’m glad you’re having such great luck. I have a thread going about significant layer shifting and ripples/defects in EVERY PRINT I have tried, and these have not been remedied by new tanks, or the latest updates. After an immense amount of back and forth with support they have now recognized this is a much wider spread problem and are working on it… who knows how long though. At this point I am unsatisfied, and that’s putting it nicely.

Here is my thread in case you were interested… you’ll find several other threads referencing the same problems. Bad prints out of brand New Form 3 - #68 by piGuy