Unboxed my Form 3L, AMA!

@Titon Sorry for the delay responding.

I’ve only done a few prints, but overall I’m happy so far.

I initially did a couple very small test prints that came out great - comparable to my Form 3 (even slightly better on some slit features, although once I cleaned my Form 3 window I’d say they were about the same).

However, I had an issue with my first a larger print in Tough 2000. I wanted to give Formlabs time to assess it before I shared any feedback about it here.

The print had two large parts (one in each LPU zone) and one small one (bridging both). One of the large parts came out significantly skewed, especially toward the base:

Some more photos are here.

Support recognized the defect and said it was a known issue with early versions of the tank. After some more digging, however, it turned out my tank was actually one of the newer versions but manufactured right around the time of the cutover. A bit more investigation and they came back and confirmed it was the tank and asked me to send it back for analysis.

They promptly sent me a new tank and I tried the exact same print in it. This time it came out perfectly.

They have a specialized “escalation team” dealing 3L requests, and I think it took about a week of back and forth to get through my print issue. Part of this was probably delay on my end, also the ticket had a number of unrelated questions from me they were working on. If I was using the printer for full-time production I’d probably be a little more frustrated with the downtime, but I’m not, and I’ve got to say Support has really been great and on-point in helping me with my questions/issues.

I also have some minor fit and finish problems (e.g. an aluminum strip at the bottom rear of the printer that’s loose and came with a couple stripped screws), but it hasn’t seemed to impact printing.

One annoyance is I’ve had to level the printer before every single print. It’s directly on a concrete floor so I’m not sure how it’s getting out of level in between. I’d love to hear if any other Form 3L users are finding they have to level the printer more often than they’d expect.

My most recent print was this direct-on-base phone case:

I forgot to take pictures but I was really pleased with how clean it came out. This model is too big to print in a Form 3 without using supports.

I’ve found getting parts off a Form 3L build platform can be challenging. The adhesion is crazy strong - I especially noticed this in the print where I did several parts. On that print the raft adhesion felt like it was about twice as strong as what I’m used to on the Form 3 (which is already stronger than necessary for the prints I tend to run). I broke one of the parts trying to wrench it off. I’d really love Formlabs to give us some kind of knob to adjust this.