Third form1+ machine - LASER FAIL! I am about to jump!

@JoshK That image of mine is before the Form1+ - and yes it’s clear that the laser light has been squared off by the galvo mirrors, but since the Form1+ I haven’t seen anyone posting laser issues with squared off spots.

It does look like there’s an x-axis horizontal line in Ralph’s most recent shot - jeffperrin also posted a pic of him having trouble with a Form1+ laser also showing a horizontal line - (Are your prints failing because your laser focus is degraded?) - but he didn’t provide any details of the issues he was having, and he only followed up to say mirror cleaning (including galvos) improved things “but not perfect” - so nothing conclusive there.

@Ralph_Roberts that “spot” in your latest picture definitely looks bad - I’ll be very disappointed if the Form1+ laser also suffers failures - have you checked the galvo mirrors and the middle mirror as well? you’d need to remove the back cover - and a very bright torch shone side-on will help inspecting them.

A speck on the laser lens as per Bruce_Boone’s worst case scenario would be a real problem - and I’d guess it might mean returning the machine - although perhaps you could try using a lens puffer on the laser on the off-chance that was the issue and that it shifted the offending speck.