OPEN SOURCE RESIN SAVER - Angled Platform Holder for Form2

One way to look at it is if someone told me they had a way to reduce my build times by 40 minutes and it cost me $3/hr I would gladly pay that money, so this resin savings isn’t worth it for my application. Interesting idea though.

Maybe you could do another study where you immediately put it on your tilter for say 5 min, 10 min, etc. and compare it to letting it rest flat as it normally does. I assume you get most of the resin to drip off quickly and it slows down over time so there could be a time that gives you the most bang for you buck.

Also, they have a basket that goes into the Formwash so you can pop off individual parts rather than submerge the build plate. The submerging thing is there mainly for automation and simplicity. Form Wash - Build Platform Submerge

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