Hi Chris!
There is no solutions to maintain the condition of the tank, unless the procedure describe in the following link:
But, some users seem to find a solution to refurbish the tank. Obviously, it’s not recommended from FormLab. Because the tank is a consumable product, the tank can be useless after 1-2 bottle of resin(information from FormLab via email). Personally, once the tank will not work after 1-2 bottle of resin, I’ll try this method to refurbish the tank. Nothing to loose after all. Here is the link: Repairing resin tank using Sylgard
If you see a ticket that I already post, I had a similar issue with a print and here’s the link: Failed Print issue
If you think that your issue is not about the previous ticket, I had a issue which the first layer of resin has sticked to the silicone surface and not to the platform(issue presented in this ticket, previous post) and that resulted to a fail print with nothing at all on the platform. I had to lower the platform about 0.2mm in the menu “Fine Tuning” under the menu “Help” in PreForm. I printed successfully after that.
Hope that information will help you!