Form 1 / 1+ / 2 3rd Party Resin Settings Master List

Preface: I have no idea if this information is helpful or not, but I have it, so I will share it.

I took a single part, and iterated through each different material setting and version (at the least resolution possible, usually 0.1mm except for DentalSG I think which had a default of 0.05mm and I couldn’t change it. Castable I forced from 0.05mm to 0.1mm) and wrote down the resin volume and the corresponding print time. I put these values into a seperate tab in the Master List spreadsheet above, and then calculated print speed (volume(mL)/time(min). I sorted it from slowest (top) to fastest (bottom):

I realize there is a lot more in play, and many more confounding variables, but maybe it gives us a very general idea of the laser power settings? I hope somebody can chime in and see how relevant this data actually is. My thought is that, in general, the slowest speeds have the highest laser power (due to the laser needing to go over the same spot more often, therefore taking more time), and the fastest speeds have the least laser power due to the opposite reasoning. You can actually re-sort the data on the google spreadsheet in case there is a more interesting correlation you might be thinking of (newer versions of resin vs older versions, possibly viscosity or color comparisons as it relates to speed or volume).


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