I finally got around to trying the Photocentric hard black resin yesterday using a custom OpenFL materiel file as provided by @computerflummi in his thread here: Photocentric Resin BLACK Hard on Form1+ / Update for Grey
Unfortunately, although I can get results that look ok fresh from the printer (with slight tweaking of that file for longer curing - by using slower laser feed rates) parts degrade rapidly and crack/crumble with post-curing.
I think the issue is shrinkage - in that the resin will still shrink very significantly after the print has finished when it’s in “green” state fresh from the printer.
The other thing about that resin is the smell - it’s intense and penetrating … in fact it’s very similar to the old MadeSolid resins.
Also cleaning parts is difficult, water just doesn’t work (even hot with detergent) nor does IPA, only Meths seemed to do anything.
At this point it seems like a waste of time and money - I might take another crack at it at some point, maybe crank up the power settings in the OpenFL custom file to basically “overcure” the part in the printer to try and eliminate post print shrinkage - but it would be a shot in the dark…