Checked, nothing of consequence (beyond some tiny bits of dust i blew off).
Besides, it’s not like i’m getting holes through the whole print. Side faces are fine. Base topsides are fine. Anything at angles vertical enough not to expose the infill is fine. Infill is not fine. Consequently, horizontal faces and close to horizontal faces are not fine either. And by “not fine” i mean “completely uncured in spots”.
By way of proof, here’s a photo of the top surface of the base:
Here’s what large, purely vertical surfaces look like:
Here’s what large, oblique surfaces look like:
Now take a look at what the flat area (on the underside) looks like:
That botched area is right around the densest support cluster in that area. It was completely uncured.
In fact, even now, 10 hours later, it’s still uncured and not just tacky, but tar-like. I left it outside to see if it will finally harden.
By way of further proof this isn’t an issue with the optical path, here’s the area on the top side, immediately above it:
Quite clearly, any area that is mostly infill (surfaces close to horizontal) that are NOT cured in multiple passes (i.e. NOT base) are not getting cured enough. If there is enough perimeter to keep the integrity of the surface up, then there is no ill effects. If there isn’t, a tar-pit forms and surfaces are muddled.
The effect is not influenced by the area in which i print, BTW. It does change over time, though - it appears it’s the worst immediately after i agitate the resin (in the tank) with the spatula.
I’m now vaguely worried the tiny voids embedded under flat surfaces i’ve noticed in clear are the same issue, except at a weaker scale.