Bad prints out of brand New Form 3

I was told it is possibly “cure dynamics” and “how resin flows around the tank.”

As soon as I heard about the flow I did some test prints with sheilds around the part - I also forced the parts to print higher off the bed so the build platform is out of the resin when it starts to print the model - if it is flow problems the bed dipping in and out must be a big cause.

Obviously preform doesnt allow high supports so I cheated it with a small extra part to the model to raise the rest up.

My best print was with two sheilds and printing higher than the build platform.

The photo shows how the part typically looks - the one on the left was printed with sheilds. The ones on the right are standard prints.

It would be interesting to see if other users find this helps or if my couple tests so far are flukes.

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