Preheat the Form 2?

One our Form 1+, you could hit print shortly after the upload started. Now with the Form 2, I have to wait for the job to upload, hit start, then wait for the machine to heat up.

Is there a way to preheat the Form2? I don’t see why it cannot be heating at the same time it is uploading.


Great idea!

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Great suggestion! Preheating isn’t a feature on the Form 2 right now. I’m sure others would be interested in a preheat function as well. I’ll move this thread to the Feature Requests section.

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I’d love to have this implemented! Heating takes about 10 minutes for me which wastes a little bit of time.

Please consider adding this feature Formlabs team.

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Yes, preheat for me too!

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It takes very little time to upload so there’s not much time saved by doing it then, but if you’re going to be using it soon it would be nice to be able to tell it to heat up so that it’s ready even before you upload the file.


It’s a great idea and is on our to do list for the next few releases :slight_smile:

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We would LOVE to be able to pre-heat the resin while we prepare for a print.

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