Is this print reslut normal

i just got a formlabs fuse 1+30W setup
nylon11CF, freash powder and nitrogen

the print we got all got result like the picture show
the “UP” surface always have the edge area tilt up , and lower section “radius” effect
the print current working under no nitrogen condition
custom service said : it is normal and nitrogen won’t help
one of mone friten running printer farm said : it will gone with notrogen
but i think i would better ask more brfore set conclusion and buy the notrogen thing
nay hlep wpuld be appreciate

you absolutely, positively cannot use Nylon 11CF without Nitrogen and produce good prints.

Plus, flat prints are really, really challenging. Do not print them flat. Print at an angle.

Please read the material guides before printing on your Fuse.

Using Nylon 11 CF


thanks for feedback
notrogen already ordered but sadly delayed so i just can’t wait but start tinker with print…

i will test again with nitrogen and thanks for the tip

You are going to get a burr on any edge that is flat for sure… just look at some of the sample prints straight from Formlabs especially the new Nylon Tough sample. It is way worse than what you are seeing here.

For Nylon 12 we are currently dealing with this burr on all edges no matter the orientation when running the Default settings versus the edges looking perfect on the PreForm Legacy settings for Nylon 12. So, this can be minimized in custom settings but we have had not been able to do that yet with Formlabs support.

Legacy seems to have done a “worse job” at keeping a true edge…so in turn you get a more “sanded and rounded” corner. However, this looks a lot better to us, in our opinion, than having Default settings offer a “more improved corner accuracy” as they state it does…which in our case pushes the corner out the other direction and looks exactly like what you are showing here.

I have a thread here with plenty of what you are seeing in Nylon 12. I don’t think your Nitrogen will make a difference in this.

A sample part delivered straight from Formlabs

So, that part being offered as a “sample” of what Formlabs themselves can do… not sure you are going to eliminate that totally.

However I am certain if I ran this same sample part in Nylon 12 “Legacy” settings… it won’t have that burr edge and at least it would look a lot more pleasing to the eye…as a finished/sanded looking part.

As they “refine” these edges, I have asked Formlabs to maybe provide a simple “Sanded Edge” option in settings to get more of that look like Legacy Settings provides… but right now they have me tinkering with “upskin and down skin” trying to achieve this. Also, adding a “chamfered or faceted” edge on all our designs is one thing…but we get a few outside designs that it is hard to go in and do all that now and still does not provide as nice of an edge as just running Legacy settings with Nylon 12.

Good luck, Let us know what Support tells you offline…would love to hear it!

FYI… I was running Nylon 12 GF for nearly two years but the cost of material and 70% refresh needed to successfully do so was WAY to over priced for running production parts… so we are giving Nylon 12 a try. I know folks running Nylon CF but they do it primarily in a prototyping environment… as the cost per part of that is even much worse. Hopefully one day a milk jug of powder won’t cost $300!

thanks for reply
i browse the whole gourm and see your old posts, i can understand the 70% issue
as for now, i run under 50% rate due to no notrogen, no big item test yet
the cost of CF is high, but for we initial player the formlabs is still the only one who provide whole package of solution, so …
i wish there is 3rd party competitable cf with less for sure, but the chance seems not high
no matter how the machine can output, i am pretty sure we will go open machine if we need larger machine, material cost is @.@

as for setting, CF have only default setting, no other yet
i might check with other reference and tweak in the future but not at this moment that i am still not familiar with all details
will post if i try something, thanks

Sorry to disagree, as a service tech for Formlabs devices, I can tell you that Nitrogen is absolutely necessary to be successful with Nylon 11 CF. Will it solve all problems? no. But you will need to have this taken care of before troubleshooting other potential issues.

Not disagreeing that Nitrogen is needed for CF for other reasons… but his question was on the edges and this is no different no matter what material you run. I have been working with Formlabs and the engineers for over a month now and they cannot remove these burred edges, in my case in any part orientation in the Default settings, and the final conclusion, from them, was to run Legacy settings in which fixes the issue completely.

That aside… I have a stack of X/Y calibration prints here from the past 2 years with Nylon 12 GF and now Nylon 12 that all look identical to his CF X/Y prints. His top edge will look like that regardless if he is running Nitrogen or not…so just being realistic.

Maybe Formlabs could provide a Bed Temp Calibration Print for all these other materials versus just having it for Nylon 12 to help minimize this?

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totally agree there should be more “calibration” prints available.