Wow, I am impressed with my new Formlabs Form 2. I am also a Form 1+ owner so I was expecting typical Formlabs quality and was not disappointed. The setup was easy and I was sending my first print to the printer within a few minutes. The results were a great first print, I have been printing with FDM printers at my business for the last 3 years and find that even with having to do post-finishing on the parts it’s over-all easier than keeping the FDM machines level and keeping the extruder clean and happy. The FDM machines provide a different level of quality and type of print that is still necessary for my business, so they will be around for some time. This printer is going to allow me to print parts that I have had to turn down in the past. I have a 13-hour print queued up and will see how it handles that.
Scout Design & MFG
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The Form 2 is awesome, right?! Straightforward (though it did take me a little while to figure out the cord was packed in the finishing kit box) and simple. Only 2 weeks with it, but printed about 70 hours of successful printing so far and no issues whatsoever.
Nice work on the parts!