Announcing the Digital Factory and FUSE

Hope this helps in the meantime @rkagerer


Thanks @ChristianReed, it does!

Hey @Frew, I know I keep relentlessly nagging you this morning ;-). Just wondering if any videos for the other smaller sessions ever got released or are otherwise available e.g. from shady overcoat-toting vendors on the street corner with Rolex knockoffs hanging off their cuffs.

Two posts hardly counts as relentless nagging. Excited to have you as part of the community and I just swapped out the battery on my mini Form 2 :slight_smile: We’ve published a few of the sessions in content and on our YouTube channel and we’re working on a central page to host all of the rest. That should be up in the coming weeks. I’m unsure of whether they’re otherwise available but I suspect you can find interesting characters hanging around the media lab late at night.

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Stoked to see the Digital Factory talks posted, and hoping this means the day 2 FUSE videos are coming soon. Thanks guys!