Form 3 build platform adhesion

I would suggest trying it out. Intuitively you would think that sanding would increase surface energy and improve adhesion, but practically this isn’t what happens. I’ve seen very obvious noticeable improvements after doing so even with a rough grit like 400. I actually see adhesion issues less often on my Form 3, but with my Form 2 and specific resins (eg. Tough), very very small particulates of cured resin stay on the build plate. What you end up seeing is that subsequent builds get harder and harder to remove. Sanding the surface to remove any build up particulates helps refresh the build plate for easier raft removal. You just need to make sure you clean the build plate with IPA very well after every build (you should do this even if you aren’t sanding).

I have zero issues snipping the bottom of an edge and then getting a spatula in. I print a wide array of objects and encounter a lot of weird raft shapes. I’m not actually cutting part of the raft off, I’m snipping an edge to release it from the build plate, see this really old post: Different part removal technique. Very often small parts will just pop off after doing this, but large parts won’t and thus require sneaking the spatula under to remove the entire model.

Like I said, I do this all the time with zero issues. I’d suggest at least trying a proposed solution that’s working for others rather than just brushing it off.