Wipe/Lift on every layer?

I am currently printing Tough 1500 with the Form 2. I am noticing it is doing a move left -> lift -> wipe cycle after every laye. I can see free support ends undergoing large sways back and forth as they are moved through the resin - they are certainly not returning to the exact same position for the next layer to be cured to, introducing print mistakes. Is this action occurring after every layer normal? Any way this can be avoided or the effects minimized?

Thank you

The move left, lift, then wipe every layer is standard operation. It helps to alleviate the part sticking to the PDMS in the tank. I have not seen large amount of support sway before, but I have not used Tough 1500. You could try increasing support density, that should increase the rigidity of the support structure with more supports and cross braces.

But really, as long as the supports are close enough to make contact with the surface they are supposed to support when you get to that layer, the exact support location is not critical. The object layers will still be printed to the planned areas, they are not modified by the actual location of the supports as it prints.