Recycling alcohol

Didn’t I just post about this recently?

What you see here are two glass jugs, clear tubing, and wadded-up paper towel to seal it all together. Powered by an electric hotplate on setting 2 out of 5. IPA boils at 190 C, so you could even double-boil it in water if you’re really paranoid. Up to 1 liter of pure fresh IPA per hour is recovered, none is lost to the air, and the remaining sludge is already in a cheap container for disposal if you don’t want to play with it further. I had everything laying around already so no cost!

NOTE: I was forced to try this because TOUGH RESIN DOES NOT come out of solution no matter how long you let it sit in UV. Black, clear, grey, etc. will do so to a useful extent but even then, whenever you find recycled IPA drying sticky on your fingers, then distilling is an attractive option.

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