My form 3 is much I have barely used had a massive resin leak which the company has failed to support their product deficiency. This resin leaked wasted an entire resin bottle and now the system will not recognize any tanks. The company will not support a repair or replacement and I have only made 3 prints out of this $5K plus printer.
I will be contacting the BBB for lack of support, the UL certification as I’m sure resin leaks are not included in their certification criteria, the EPA as this unit caused resin to leak uncontained.
It’s pretty easy back your products and fix your product deficiencies.
Hi David, Thank you for taking the time to speak with me and Don today. We appreciated hearing your perspective and how the tank lifetime warnings could be more clear on the potential result of exceeding the lifetime. Steve will be in touch tomorrow with what we can do to make this right for you. I’m confident you will be satisfied. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if I can be of assistance in the future. My email is
Trevor S.
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Thank you for the acceptable resolution. I tried to delete my original post but was unable to this morning.
Thanks a lot @Diwinsky8549 for working together to find a solution.
Per your wish to remove this thread, we will go ahead and hide this thread.