Build platform producing black specks

When cleaning the new build platform after a print i have found that when i clean the edges the cloth comes away with black specks that look like the plastic. They do not apear to be sheding into the tank only when cleaning the platform.
Is there a reason for this? and what can I do about it?
Many thanks,

Hello @Zoe1,

Great to hear from you! I do a lot of printing on these machines, and I haven’t noticed this issue, but I’ll keep an eye out for it today while printing. Which build platform are you using?

It could be that your spatula is scratching the aluminum of the build platform and causing some material to wear off, which you then wipe away with a cloth. To minimize this, I recommend positioning the spatula as flat as possible against the part, with the angle close to zero. I also sharpen one side of the spatula and use a hammer to gently tap the handle, which helps reduce scratching on the platform and gently remove the objects. Find here a video: Shiden Y. on LinkedIn: My best practice for removing SLA prints from the build platform!💡Two… | 10 comments

If this doesn’t solve it, feel free to upload some pictures so I can get a better idea of what’s happening.

Wish you a great start into the week,

Shiden Yohannes

Hello Shiden,
The aluminum platform part is fine, its the plastic sides, I wipe them down to ensure no buildup and to remove and IPA on them from cleaning.
Thank you for the advice regarless.
Many Thanks,