

Zombees are here!  What are Zombees? Zombified bees of course!

Concept/Designer: Rick Marson of ZOMs  http://www.zoms.com/

3D model/Printing: Ann Sidenblad

Molding/Casting: Victoria Rose http://www.victoriarosepuppets.com/

Painting: Rick Marson

I’ve had a great time helping Rick Marson of ZOMs take his Zombees into resin creations!  I’ve admired Ricks line of plush zombies for some time, and when we were both exhibiting at Designer Con we got to chatting.  Turns out he had been wanting to take his Zombee design into vinyl or resin!  I was there as half of Rawrz Toys, and had the form1 with me on the table.  I showed Rick the 3d printer and how we use it in our process of creating Rawrz.

After the convention I worked with Rick to design his Zombee in 3d , and then printed it out as a prototype in two different sizes.  Once he picked the size he wanted, I refined the pieces  to make casting easier.   From there, Victoria (the other half of Rawrz Toys) came in to mold and cast resin duplicate bees.  Rick then painted up the castings into a few of his different Zombee characters!

Cool article about ZOMs  http://therealstanlee.com/#zoms-undead-dedication

Awesome breakdown by Victoria about the mold and casting process!  http://victoriarosepuppets.blogspot.com/2014/04/zombees.html



These are really cool!! Thank you for sharing them!